A Primer on Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption Testing and Standard Apparatus Specifications


In your line of work, it is necessary to use specified tools and apparatus for testing procedures with standard guidelines. Fluorescent indicator adsorption (FIA) analyses is an effective and efficient procedure and should provide reliable results.

In order for this to occur, the apparatus for ASTM d1319 FIA must conform to specifications. The main usage of the FIA apparatus is for quality measurement of fuel oils such as aviation oil and engine fuel.

Quality measurement procedures and indications

The Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption apparatus is an essential tool for testing hydrocarbon types in petroleum products. The silica gel adsorption column with fluorescent indicator presents the main hydrocarbons components of liquid petroleum products.

The instrument is a professional instrument that must be used as specified in the test procedures to reveal percentages in petroleum fraction. The silica column has a mixture of dyes with fluorescent properties. Solvent elution facilities separation of the dyes from the aromatics saturates, as well as olefins.

Calculating the volume percentage aromatics, olefins, and saturates is facilitated by the use of an ultraviolet lamp, which makes the boundaries visible. The fluorescent dye responds to UV light. Measurement of the length of each zone reveals volume percentages of each component.

Instrument features


Based on FIA ASTM D1319 standards the design of the apparatus for testing is specific to its purpose. A typical vertical type unit has the following components: a UV light detection component, a scale indicator, vibration unit, as well as air circuit system.

The adsorption column is made of glass and comes with a cleaning unit. It is essential that the apparatus has a cleaning unit. You may order additional replacement columns when the need arises. Because of the cost of shipping and fragility of the columns, you must plan the order for additional columns.

Some brands come with a portable handheld vibrator that is separate from the fixed vibrator. Some units are of a stand-alone design that does not require installation, while others come with mounting fixtures.

When choosing an apparatus for professional use, ensure the pressure gauges are easy to read. Consider whether usage would require a unit with four test positions. Some models only have two test positions.

Potential causes of errors and problems

The main sources of errors in this type of testing are incomplete aromatic elution and improper packing of the column. In some instances, the dye may not have the capacity to indicate the boundaries between fractions.

When the boundaries between fractions are not very clean the silica adsorption column must have low efficiency and produce biased results. Because of these errors, it has been recommended that another test procedure should be used instead — a method known as gas chromatography-vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy (GC-VUV). Nevertheless, standard testing using FIA apparatus remains popular.

Current studies support the reliability of Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption testing despite the potential for certain errors and biases. Plenty of information is available online if you wish to review the test procedures, results analysis software, and equipment handling specifications.

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