Tips for Successfully Managing Onsite and Remote Employees

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how businesses operate, with remote work on the rise.
  • Managing onsite and remote employees requires establishing clear communication channels and norms.
  • Technology tools like videoconferencing, remote desktops, and time tracking can help manage remote and onsite workers.
  • Organizing team-building activities can help remote and onsite employees connect and collaborate better.
  • Setting clear expectations and providing training and development opportunities can motivate employees and ensure their success.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how the world functions and one of the significant changes is how businesses operate. With remote work on the rise, many companies are grappling with managing onsite and remote employees effectively. Managing an entirely remote or entirely onsite team may seem manageable, but it becomes tricky when the two workforces mix.

This blog post will explore some practical tips managers can use to manage remote and onsite employees successfully.

1. Establish clear communication channels:

Communication is vital in any business and becomes more critical when managing remote and onsite employees. Establishing clear communication channels that all employees can access comfortably is essential. Consider using tools like Slack, Zoom, or Teams to facilitate communication between the two groups. Ensure you have established communication norms everyone understands, such as response time expectations and email etiquette.

If possible, involve remote and onsite employees in the same meetings. This will help build relationships between them and foster collaboration. Make sure you are open to feedback from both groups and actively show your appreciation for their contributions.

Professionals discussing business data with offsite employees through video call

2. Leverage Technology:

Technology can be useful in managing and collaborating with remote and onsite employees. As more remote workers join the workplace, leveraging virtual desktops and video conferencing can help create a seamless work experience for all employees. Here are some tech tools that you can use to help manage remote and onsite employees:

a. Videoconferencing

Video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype keep remote and onsite employees connected. Video conferencing allows face-to-face interaction, which is essential for building relationships with employees and providing feedback. Some video conferencing tools have additional features like screen sharing and file collaboration that can help make remote work more efficient.

b. Remote desktop

When remote and onsite employees need to collaborate, consider using a remote desktop solution. This allows employees to access the same tools, applications, and files from any location. Many companies use the Raspberry Pi remote desktop software to reduce the cost of setting up a remote work environment. It works seamlessly with most system setups, so it can help you get started quickly.

c. Project management and task-tracking

Use project management and task-tracking tools to help you manage remote and onsite employees. Tools like Asana, Trello, and can help you track progress and assign tasks to team members regardless of their location. These tools also provide real-time updates and visibility on projects, which is useful for keeping remote employees in the loop.

A businessman touching a screen with Project Management with related concepts

d. Time tracking

Time tracking tools can help you track the hours of both onsite and remote employees. This is important for ensuring remote employees work the same number of hours as onsite employees. Tools like Toggl and Harvest can help you monitor employee performance in real time and ensure all employees are being paid fairly.

3. Encourage team building activities:

Organizing team-building activities can help remote and onsite employees connect. For onsite employees, onsite team-building activities can occur during lunch breaks or after work, while remote employees can participate in virtual team-building activities. Socializing can create and maintain relationships, leading to better collaboration and teamwork across locations.

4. Set clear expectations:

When managing remote and onsite employees, it’s essential to set expectations on what needs to be accomplished and how it should be done. Be clear with remote employees about their work responsibilities and deadlines, and ensure they have access to the resources needed to succeed. Onsite employees should also have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Performance metrics and regular check-ins can help you monitor progress and address any issues.

5. Provide training and professional development opportunities:

Professional development opportunities can motivate employees and encourage them to excel. Remote and onsite employees should have access to various training and professional development opportunities relevant to their roles. You can provide access to online courses and certifications or send employees to relevant conferences or seminars.

When offering training and development opportunities, consider the different needs of remote and onsite employees. For example, providing a virtual short course work best for remote employees, whereas onsite employees can benefit from attending a local seminar or workshop.

Managing onsite and remote employees can be a challenging task. However, if done correctly, it can lead to a highly productive and engaged workforce. Establishing clear communication, leveraging technology, running team-building activities, setting expectations, and providing training and professional development can help managers create an effective strategy for managing remote and onsite employees. By investing in both workforces, you can ensure that all employees have a successful and rewarding experience working for your company.

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