
After a Disaster: How Technology Eases the Financial Toll

Catastrophes and accidents take a toll psychologically and financially on people and entities. Small businesses and large companies protect themselves from the negative repercussions of unforeseen events when they get insurance. Sometimes they also build a claims management software system so that they can evaluate and record all claims made for them or against them. But […]

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using laptop for work

Taking the Digital and Tech Revolution Further: 5 Trends That May Define the 2020s

From its code encrypting (and breaking) days in the 1940s to the beginnings of its clerical application in the late 1950s, the computer showed great promise. Then, from the rise of Microsoft in the 1970s to today’s tough competition among a plethora of tech companies, the computer rapidly evolved into a medium that is now

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using laptop for work

Add More Hours to Your Day and Increase Productivity in Your Small Business

Time is of the essence for all businesses, but especially the small ones that are trying to break into the market. Time wasted could mean the loss of a potential client and loss of profit. So, how can you streamline your work process and increase productivity? Here are a few ways. Use Technology Technology has

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Marketing: How to Make a Product Successor Successful

When a movie becomes a blockbuster hit, the first thing that comes to mind is a sequel. It is the same thing with marketing. Some successful products deserve a follow-up. Naturally, companies need to update their internal database when that happens. For that kind of project, product onboarding software will greatly help. This program will

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SEO letter blocks

What Is Reputation Management SEO And Do You Need It?

An online user’s first experience with your brand mostly happens when they search about a product, service, or information you’re offering and you come up in Google’s SERPs (search engine results pages). No, not your website directly. This is the reason why in SEO, it’s important to be able to influence an online user’s organic

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Girl with dental braces

Dental Anxiety and Oral Health: How It Pushes People to Try DIY Solutions

Fear of the dentist or dental anxiety keeps millions of Americans from receiving proper preventive care. As a result, minor toothaches can develop into serious infections, such as gum disease and tooth loss. Then there’s also the issue of orthodontics, specifically of braces, which some people try to Do-it-Yourself, reasoning out costs and other issues

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Three Steps Towards a More Flexible Working Arrangement

One of the biggest challenges encountered by most workers in the modern world is achieving sufficient work-life balance. While you may know someone who enjoys shorter working hours or has the option to telecommute and get some work done at home, most employees continue to operate within the constraints of the daily 9-to-5. The 40-hour

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