3 SEO Tools You Can Use to Boost Your Accounting Firm’s Visibility

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing a site’s visibility online. Studies show that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. So it doesn’t matter whether you are an accountant, doctor, or owner of any other small business; implementing SEO is a necessity.

One of the most important aspects of SEO is keywords. The words that people use to search for information about a particular subject are critical. It’s also worth noting that 50% of search queries involve the use of four or more words. Therefore, the more relevant keywords you create content for, the more likely you are to rank highly in your niche.

For that reason, your first order of business is to find the potential keywords around which you can create your content. Luckily, there are tools for that. Here are some SEO tools for accountants:

   1. Moz.com Keyword Explorer

Moz.com is a site that specializes in marketing information. But one of its best features is its keyword research tool. This SEO tool offers you the chance to access over 500 million keywords that can help you drive traffic to your site.

To access the services of the research tool, you first need to create an account. It’s free. Once the account is created, you can use it to make ten free queries a month.


You can use a URL or seed keyword to see other iterations of the keyword. The SEO research tool will analyze your keyword by volume, keyword difficulty, and tanking. You will also be able to search for keywords in question format, many of which are usually the long-tail keywords with minimal competition.

  2. Ahrefs.com Keywords Explorer

Another SEO tool worth checking out is the Aherefs.com keyword explorer. While the tool is not free, it is quite affordable. For $7, you can access a one-month trial period wherein you can test it and determine whether it’s worth your money. Additionally, you will be able to access keywords from search engines other than Google. These include Amazon, YouTube, Baidu, Bing, etc.

With the Ahrefs.com keyword explorer, you can generate keyword ideas. You can also analyze the keywords based on their difficulty, cost per click, global demand, and search volume. The keyword research tool has several filters and metrics that you can use to determine which keywords are right for you depending on their performance online.

   3. Neil Patel’s Ubbersuggest

Ubbersuggest is a free keyword research tool. The tool allows you to generate keyword and content ideas based on a seed keyword or competitor’s domain name. Through this research tool, you can investigate your keyword based on its organic demand, cost-per-click, buyer intent, etc.

It does not matter whether there are accountants who have been in the business longer than you have. If you implement SEO as you should, you can leapfrog your competition and become more visible online than they are. And finding the right keywords to create content is the first step to dominating your competition. So make use of the keyword research tools at your disposal.

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