Education in Pandemic: What Digital Trends Have Emerged Out

The COVID-19 crisis has impacted various industries around the world. The education sector is no exception. In fact, it is the most affected given the shutdown of schools worldwide and 1.2 billion children being out of the classrooms. But thanks to the advancement of technology and digitalization, they have helped the education sector to provide learning among students despite the pandemic restrictions. A year after the onset of the novel coronavirus outbreak, we’ve seen digital trends that have arisen in the world of education.

Let’s take a look at the latest digital trends in education in the midst of the pandemic.

1. Online Learning

The pandemic has forced people to get stuck indoors. The stay-at-home orders and restricted movements have been implemented to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. As such, students have to learn and study in the comforts of their homes. That is where online learning has come into the picture.

Remote learning has long been implemented among students. However, it has all the more intensified during the pandemic. In fact, several educational institutions worldwide have invested in digital technology as an agile and resilient approach to the pandemic. The same is true with students who have also invested in their personal devices and digital resources. Most classes are now conducted online through video conferencing such as the use of Zoom.

2. Use of Extended Reality (XR)

The use of computers and mobile devices as well as Internet access has greatly aided students and teachers during the pandemic. But more than these, we have seen how the virtual approach has conquered the world of education. That is where the use of XR in education comes into play.

XR can either be virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR). While VR allows users to interact in an imaginary digital realm that resembles the real world, AR allows users to see (but not necessarily interact) the real world overlaid by the virtual content. There is also what we call mixed reality (MR), which is a combination of both. Whether it is the use of VR, AR, or MR, the goal is to provide students with enhanced learning experience digitally.

Virtual Reality

3. Teaching and Learning Flexibility

Did you know that teachers and students have become more flexible than ever? This flexibility has become all the more apparent during the pandemic. Gone are the days when teachers had to follow certain standards in education and students had to strictly comply. Today, educators and students have to be more resourceful with the help of technology and digital use.

In fact, 57 percent of education entities are now providing versatile learning options and looking into implementing new modalities. Also, 33 percent of schools offer flexible academic choices, whether online, in-person, or hybrid. Some even offer module-based learning for students who can’t afford to invest in technological tools and devices. Ultimately, expect remote learning in education to be in full swing in the near future.

4. Digital Collaboration

When it comes to learning, communication is key. But this time around, the interaction between students and teachers has to be performed digitally. As mentioned, online classes can either be done via audio or video conferencing. As such, we’ve witnessed a robust digital collaboration.

But it isn’t only teachers and students who partake in this digital collaboration. Parents are now joining to help facilitate learning, especially among children. It is great how students can learn at home without the need to go to school. However, strong digital collaboration is the key to success in education during the pandemic.

5. Focus on Digital Skills

There’s no doubt how the pandemic has shaken the educational system worldwide. As such, we’ve seen changes and shifts in the demand in the education sector. There is now a global trend in putting emphasis on digital skills.

As various industries have jumped on the digital bandwagon, the education sector must rethink and reevaluate the programs they’re offering. They must start to offer courses on developing digital skills to adapt to the changing times. Otherwise, individuals will learn those skills online. Ultimately, businesses now focus more on the skills that individuals possess, not necessarily on their educational backgrounds.

The pursuit of knowledge is and will always be necessary. Even amid a pandemic, we must continue to uphold and provide education. It is good that both teachers and students have made the necessary adjustments during the pandemic. Thanks to the latest technology and digital trends for helping the education sector stay afloat. It’s no surprise how the pandemic is reshaping and evolving the future of education.

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