Making Hard Sells Easy: How Technology Helps Dealerships Make More Sales

Millennials will buy 40% of the cars sold in the next few years. Your vehicle dealership has a big chance to reach 75 million people in this generational group. To improve sales and customer happiness, consider implementing the following new technologies in your dealership:

Making Sales Using Computers and Tablets

According to a recent J.D. Power study, having technology in your dealership increases customer happiness. Using mobile devices to display pricing and vehicle details by sales representatives improved client satisfaction. It’s interesting to see that handwritten quotes had a detrimental impact on car sales. Using cutting-edge technology to deliver information shows clients that your business practices are open and transparent.

Utilizing CRM Solutions

Much time has passed since auto dealer CRM software first appeared. However, the average automobile vendor has only recently found a use for it. They can use it to keep client data and improve their marketing efforts. Buyers are well aware of the difficulty of locating an honest and dependable vendor. That’s why, if you keep them satisfied, they’ll keep coming back to your dealership.

The problem is that most individuals only replace their cars every two to three years at the most. As a result, dealers must exert considerable effort to keep their dealerships at the top of their customers’ minds.

Keeping Cars Safe and Secure

a steering wheel of a car

In recent years, consumer demand for safety and security features in automobiles has risen by 35%, according to a study conducted by Frost & Sullivan. For example, vehicle diagnostics and maintenance are available such as regular notifications to change brakes, tires, or oil. Kahu, for instance, is a security app that you can provide to your customers as an optional extra for their vehicles. In addition, there are GPS systems for car dealerships that can help track the cars, especially in cases of theft or lost vehicles in general, as a service to clients.

Setting Up Kiosks for Self-Servicing Products

Customers will appreciate interacting with your vehicle inventory and features with the help of self-service kiosks. With these low-pressure kiosks, buyers can look at a variety of automotive alternatives without having to engage in a lengthy sales conversation. According to some research, customers prefer booths and spend more since they don’t have to worry about appearing inept or ashamed in front of company staff.

Providing Communication on the Go

Using CarcodeSMS, a cloud-based SMS text platform specifically designed for car dealers, potential auto buyers can text dealer salespeople while looking for cars on websites, riding the wave of digital car shopping. When a dealer signs up, their staff has access to a customer service app, and clients don’t have to be concerned about exposing their phone numbers to dealers.

Obtaining Stock

Ten years ago, if you wanted to buy a used automobile, you had to go to many different dealerships. That was the only method to learn about models that were available and specials offered by dealerships. Car sale websites, on the other hand, have altered the course of modern history. Sites like AutoTrader, which include thousands of vehicles from throughout the country, have made it possible for dealers to offer their vehicles for sale. Instead of having to deal with the trouble of bidding, it’s like eBay for dealers. As a result, sellers can get clients from areas where they otherwise can’t reach.

Improving Facilities for Auditing

Automobile sellers must be careful when purchasing cars to avoid being stung by their state’s lemon laws. To find out if an automobile was stolen, sellers must submit documentation to the proper authorities. A history check is the most effective strategy for accomplishing this. As previously said, the procedure used to be extremely lengthy. Most of the time, dealers will have to buy the car first before getting a response. When they receive a negative response, they stand to lose tens of thousands of dollars. Fortunately, sending a simple text message allows anyone to look up the history of a vehicle in a matter of seconds.

Considering what kinds of add-on options to upsell, selling car owners simple and uncomplicated tech add-ons is arguably the most significant consideration. An additional 69 percent of automobile buyers appreciate technology, but only if it is simple to use.

Investing in new technologies can seem like a big deal at first, but remember that it will pay off in the long run by allowing you to meet future customer demands. Even a small investment in new technology can pay off big dividends for your company when it comes to catering to the tastes of the next generation.

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