Simple Ways to Streamline Employee Onboarding

Recruiters and business owners heave a sigh of relief when the hiring process is over. There is no more need to post job ads online and conduct interviews. An offer has been signed, and all that’s left to do is wait until the new employee’s first day at work. Except, employers are not in the clear just yet.

There’s so much that can happen when a person starts a new job. They might feel overwhelmed with all the information they have to process, not to mention the adjustment they have to go through with the schedule, work environment, and colleagues. Left unchecked, the new employee can quit right after they start – and that’s not exactly a rare thing. Figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the annual average turnover rate in the United States is at 44.3%.

High as that number is, employers have a way to ensure that the new employee acclimates well to their position: onboarding. You want to onboard the empEmployees talking to each otherloyee as smoothly as possible, and there are easy steps to streamline that process. Here are some of them:

Make the Most of Technology

Technology has improved many aspects of HR, and employers should make full use of these advancements. For instance, instead of handing employees different hard copies of forms to fill out and sign, why not digitize all of those and make the employee access everything from a single website? You can also make human resource videos to show how processes are done as well as outline the expectations for someone filling the said role. There are also software designed for onboarding if you want to check those out.

Ensure Consistency

Consistency is important in processes like onboarding. The organization’s onboarding process should follow a set structure and cover all important topics. Of course, there is room for customization and tweaking certain parts to make it appropriate for the job, but the main point is to have the same overall standards for every employee. Identify the key steps needed for your company’s specific requirements and design the onboarding process accordingly.

Identify Skill Gaps and Training Needs

Every individual has a different set of strengths and weaknesses. Before the onboarding process, hiring managers can identify these. Once identified, you can then figure out the type of training the employee will need to learn the ropes of the job. Ensure that a plan of action is in place before the employee’s first day, so that you can onboard and train them early and adequately.

Implement Improvements Based on Feedback


No matter how well-thought-out your process is, there’s always room for improvement. After onboarding an employee, ask for feedback about how they found the process. Maybe some videos are too long or certain parts of the presentations are not clear. Use feedback to improve the process further.

In the end, with a smoother, streamlined onboarding process, you can ensure that your new employee goes through a smooth transition and performs their job well.

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